
About AI at the All Inclusive Film Festival!26.08.2024AIFF festival poster

Is artificial intelligence inclusive? What are the barriers to inclusivity and what can be done to overcome them? The second edition of the All Inclusive Film Festival ended at the Kino Żeglarz, and although it’s a film festival in name, there was a space for important knowledge on technology as well.

19.07.2024Karolina Kulicka and other members of the Council during the ceremony at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister

Kamila Lis awarded a scholarship to conduct research at the PAN research station in Vienna!10.07.2024Kamila Lis

Kamila Lis, a PhD student at NASK SCIENCE, has been awarded a prestigious scholarship within the “Young Researchers in Vienna” program organized by the Polish Academy of Sciences. She will receive a one-week scholarship to stay at the PAN research station in Vienna, where she will have the opportunity to further develop and present her research project.

Prestigious scholarship awarded to Dr. Michał Wroński27.06.2024Michał Wroński at the CECC 2024 conference

Our scientist, Dr. Michal Wronski, has won a prestigious scholarship from the Minister of Science for his achievements in the field of cryptology. This award is given to outstanding young scientists who demonstrate significant achievements in scientific activities.

24th Central European Conference on Cryptology - CECC 2024 | Event report24.06.2024Uczestnicy konferencji CECC 2024

On June 20-21, an international conference, the 24th Central European Conference on Cryptology (CECC 2024), was held in Poland for the first time in seven years, within the premises of the Military University of Technology. The conference was jointly organized by the Military University of Technology and the Scientific and Academic Computer Network – National Research Institute. It covered a wide spectrum of modern cryptology, from quantum cryptology to side-channel attacks, from theoretical aspects of cryptology to application issues.

Join the community of NASK doctoral students!06.06.2024Yang Peiqing and Xinyu Hou from NTU and Karolina Seweryn from NASK during the study visit at NTU in Singapore

Recruitment for the TIB PAN Doctoral School for the 2024/2025 academic year will begin soon – June 10, 2024. If you are interested in a career in science, experimentation and the creation of new knowledge in the fields of cyber security, artificial intelligence applications and machine learning – apply to the Doctoral School and seize the opportunity to fulfill your scientific aspirations.

We are co-organizing the Central European Cryptology Conference (CECC 2024)!05.04.2024

On June 20-21 this year, NASK, together with Military University of Technology (WAT), is co-organizing the Central European Cryptology Conference (CECC 2024). Are you interested in cryptology or related sciences? Feel free to submit conference abstracts or simply register your participation.

Music generation and its AI analysis | seminar with Dr. Eng. Mateusz Modrzejewski29.03.2024

A neural network as a musical instrument? As a critic, music lover or musicologist? As a tool to break down a mixed piece of music into individual instruments? On April 18 at NASK SCIENCE, be with us for a seminar with Mateusz Modrzejewski.


“Forget Killer Robots—Bias Is the Real AI Danger. (…) The real safety question, if you want to call it that, is that if we give these systems biased data, they will be biased.” says John Giannandrea, head of Google’s artificial intelligence division. What does this mean, how does this threat manifest itself, and what can we do about it? Join the webinar with Dr. Karolina Kulicka on April 10, at 10:00 am. Don’t forget to register!

AI - reliable, responsible or ethical AI | Seminar with Dr. Michal Nowakowski | February 2823.02.2024

Please join us for the next Do (N)ASK seminar on creating and maintaining a framework for responsible and trustworthy artificial intelligence, which includes elements such as data governance, AI risk management and AI governance (including ML/AIOps). This time our guest will be Michał Nowakowski, PhD.
