Prestigious scholarship awarded to Dr. Michał Wroński
Our scientist, Dr. Michal Wronski, has won a prestigious scholarship from the Minister of Science for his achievements in the field of cryptology. This award is given to outstanding young scientists who demonstrate significant achievements in scientific activities.

Michal Wronski specializes in cybersecurity and cryptographic security. He received his PhD from the Military University of Technology in 2018, focusing on accelerating computation on elliptic curves. Wronski also researched isogene-based cryptography and side-channel attacks. A breakthrough in his career was his work on the application of quantum annealing in cryptanalysis, including the reduction of the discrete logarithm problem to a QUBO problem. His research yielded the first practical results of solving ECDLP by quantum methods. He was a promoter, reviewer, expert and organizer of cryptology conferences.
As of December 2023, 1,708 applications for the scholarship were submitted, of which 228 young scientists, including 32 doctoral students, received the award. The evaluation process was conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Higher Education and Science and the relevant ministerial decree. Applications were evaluated by an Advisory Panel, which applied a scoring method and uniform criteria. The stipend, awarded for three years, is PLN 5,390 per month and is paid by the institutions that nominated the scientists. This award to Dr. Wronski is evidence of his outstanding achievements and commitment to the development of cryptology.