
Although cases of ML/AI applications in deep brain stimulation surgery are not the first association with NASK, this topic was taken up by the organizers of this year’s Mathworks Research Summit who invited us to participate in this event.

Join us for a seminar on computing spectral properties of infinite-dimensional operators. On Wednesday, June 28, at 3:30 pm, Andrew J. Horning, Ph.D., of MIT’s Department of Mathematics will present the key computational challenges posed by infinite-dimensional spectral problems.

Are you interested in a career in science? Apply to the TIB PAN Doctoral School and take advantage of the unique development and career opportunities offered by a PhD at NASK.

Poland has a unique opportunity to become the center of the regional quantum computing ecosystem – is the conclusion of the discussion at the IBM Quantum Networking Reception on June 13, co-organized by the US Embassy in Warsaw. The meeting was attended by Prof. Michał Karpowicz of NASK SCIENCE.