
Submit your article for the 4th International Workshop on Secure Mobile Computer Systems02.11.2023

We encourage you to submit papers for the 4th edition of the International Worskhop on Secure Mobile Computer Systems (IWoSeMCS-24) organized as part of the 24th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGRID 2024) conference. Both events will take place May 6-9, 2024 in Philadelphia. NASK is a partner of the workshop. The deadline for submission of papers is December 17, 2023.

Is it hard to classically simulate a quantum computer? | About quantum technologies with Michał Oszmaniec 20.10.2023

Quantum computers have attracted a lot of attention in recent years due to their potential applications in many fields of both fundamental and applied science. However, the relative power of classical and quantum computers remains poorly understood, especially in the presence of noise affecting currently existing quantum devices. So how to simulate a quantum computer classically? Is it difficult? This question will be answered by Michal Oszmaniec, Ph.D., of the Department of Quantum Technologies, which is being established at NASK SCIENCE, during a seminar in October 23, at 11:00 in NASK.

Machine learning and system reliability | Mateusz Krzysztoń on the challenges of interpretability, explainability and security12.10.2023

In traditional expert-based systems, the source of information was reliable expertise. However, in learning-based systems, knowledge comes from data that is characterized by variation in quality, limited security and even implicit biases. This challenge requires us to be particularly sensitive to the reliability of systems based on machine learning. If we add to the credibility challenge the low public trust in artificial intelligence and the technology’s dizzying pace of development, the rank of the problem rises even more sharply. What are the sources of the lack of reliability of ML-based systems and how to remedy it, you can read in Dr. Mateusz Krzyszton’s article in the NASK publication “AI Cyber Security. AI in Cyber Security.”

Artificial intelligence vs. biological intelligence: similarities, differences and challenges | seminar with Prof. Tomasz Wolak02.10.2023

The way the human brain works has inspired the developers of artificial neural networks. Will the roles now reverse and AI allow us to explore the mechanism of our brains? Join us for a seminar with Prof. Tomasz Wolak, who will visit NASK SCIENCE on October 4, at 10:00am, and talk about what are the differences and what are the similarities between artificial and biological intelligence.

AI Models Red-Teaming | join seminar with Prof. Przemyslaw Biecek26.09.2023

XAI (explainable artificial intelligence) techniques offer tools for in-depth analysis of predictive models, also in terms of identifying potential vulnerabilities. This is what Prof. Przemyslaw Biecek will talk about during his seminar on October 11. Join us for a lecture entitled ‘Red-Teaming AI models – how and why to use XAI to analyze predictive models.’

Department of Information Security Systems hunting for vulnerabilities20.09.2023

NASK SCIENCE researchers are getting into your home!? Not really, of course, but they’re also concerned about your safety, examining smart home solutions hitting the market. One vulnerability of such a device was recently discovered by us and fixed by the producer.

Ethics and privacy in data analysis using the example of personal health information | join the seminar with Matthias Pocs18.09.2023

How to address the topics of ethics, privacy and personal data in research projects? How to properly incorporate these aspects into data processing and interpretation? What is and should be the interaction between technology development and the legal or ethical dimensions of security and privacy?

What critical vulnerability in a well-known IoT device was found by our researchers? Join us at Hack Summit 202314.09.2023

Marek Janiszewski and Jan Adamski have prepared two speeches for this year’s Hack Summit. Together, they will present more information about a critical vulnerability in the API of one of the manufacturers of popular IoT devices, or present the methodology and conclusions of security testing of IoT devices. It all depends on the status of the CVD process, but we encourage you to attend today!

Join us to create a special issue of ACIG Journal dedicated to the situation in Ukraine14.09.2023

We are looking for authors who will jointly prepare a special issue of the scientific journal published by NASK ACIG Journal entitled “The Russian-Ukrainian War: Effects on Global Cybersecurity and Digital Infrastructure” (Special Issue ACIG vol. 3 no. 1).

Cheetah research and robotics development | Join the seminar by Amir Patel 11.09.2023

What do cheetahs, robotics, artificial intelligence and machine learning have in common? For now, we know that they are linked by an exceptional scientist – Professor Amir Patel from the University of Oxford, who will soon visit NASK with his seminar “Studying Cheetahs Through the Lens of Robotics.” We look forward to your participation!
