Submit your article for the 4th International Workshop on Secure Mobile Computer Systems
We encourage you to submit papers for the 4th edition of the International Worskhop on Secure Mobile Computer Systems (IWoSeMCS-24) organized as part of the 24th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGRID 2024) conference. Both events will take place May 6-9, 2024 in Philadelphia. NASK is a partner of the workshop. The deadline for submission of papers is December 17, 2023.

The workshop topics primarily include practical approaches to research on secure processing of big data in cloud, mobile hubs and cloud-connected Edge clusters, such as MANETs and wireless sensor networks. Submitted work can range from advanced technologies, applications, and other cloud solutions to the development of methods, conceptual and theoretical models related to secure management, monitoring, planning, and resource allocation.
The call for original research papers is primarily aimed at researchers on topics such as, but not limited to:
- Mobile systems for security-sensitive data collection and assimilation;
- Models and simulators of mobile clouds based on machine learning;
- Advanced security and privacy mechanisms in smartphones and tablets;
- Resource allocation and planning with security in mobile networks;
- Secure 5G applications for smart grids;
- Security testing of mobile devices.
The papers will be published in prestigious post-conference monographs. The deadline for submission of papers is December 17, 2023.
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