HATEDEMICS | Hampering hate speech and disinformation
We are using artificial intelligence to fight hate speech and disinformation - we are joing HATEDEMICS

The number of victims of hate speech in the EU is growing. Combating this problem requires collective action by society as a whole, the governmental and non-governmental sectors, the media, intensive education and effective regulation. A large impact on the spread of hate speech is particularly influenced by the war in Ukraine and the Middle East, and in Poland, for example, by the polarization of the political scene. The Internet and social media are an accessible transmitter of all kinds of content. Hence we need effective tools to combat hate speech and disinformation on the Internet. Artificial intelligence can help us in this challenge.
What have we done?
We have joined the international HATEDEMICS project, which is being carried out by 13 partners from seven European Union member states. HATEDEMICS is a project funded by the European Union that will run from April 2024 to March 2026. By then, we will have created a set of tools that will help NGOs, public authorities and activists effectively prevent and combat hate speech and disinformation online.
As part of the project:
- we will develop artificial intelligence-based tools to help monitor, detect and record hate speech and disinformation on social media, including the spread of racist, xenophobic and intolerant speech, as well as conspiracy theories.
- we will create counter-narratives, or responses to hate speech and disinformation, that will support professionals/stakeholders and activists in their efforts.
- we will conduct training and educational campaigns to raise awareness of hate speech and disinformation and teach how to combat them.
In addition to NASK, the consortium consists of: FBK (Italy), Saher (Estonia), Alda (France), FUNDEA (Spain), Maldita.es (Spain), CENTRA (Spain), CESIE (Italy), Pagella Politica (Italy), SOS Malta (Malta), VSA (Malta), CEO (Poland) and Demagog (Poland).
The project is funded by the CERV fund of the European Union under a grant agreement 101143249.
We will write about the progress of the project at www.hatedemics.eu