Dr Anna Kołos

Anna Kołos
Research interests: natural language processing, stylometry

Anna Kołos’s primary field of research is literary studies in the context of cultural history in the broadest sense, including in particular issues related to imagology and (post)colonial discourse in writing. Currently, she is expanding her research to include issues of digital humanities and is engaged in stylometric analysis of large text corpora, both applied and strictly literary. Her interests include: ancient literature and culture, modern literature and writing, colonial discourse, and imagology.

In 2014, she completed a research internship at the prestigious Warburg Institute in London as part of the NCN “Etiuda” doctoral fellowship. She participated in the NCN “Sonata” grant dedicated to Polish and Serbian images of China (18th century – 1939). In 2018, she was awarded a scholarship for young scientists by the Foundation for Polish Science (START).

Selected Publications


Inez Okulska, Anna Kołos, Krzysztof Skibski, "Gra w klasy, czyli analiza lingwistycznych cech idiopoetyki na marginesie automatycznej klasyfikacji utworów poetyckich i ich parodii", Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego, LXXIX (79), 2023, 239-257.
Inez Okulska, Anna Kołos, "Morfosyntaktyczna analiza przykładów mowy nienawiści zablokowanych przez moderatorów serwisu Wykop.pl", Tertium, ;8(2), 2023, 54–71.