24th Central European Conference on Cryptology - CECC 2024 | Event report
On June 20-21, an international conference, the 24th Central European Conference on Cryptology (CECC 2024), was held in Poland for the first time in seven years, within the premises of the Military University of Technology. The conference was jointly organized by the Military University of Technology and the Scientific and Academic Computer Network – National Research Institute. It covered a wide spectrum of modern cryptology, from quantum cryptology to side-channel attacks, from theoretical aspects of cryptology to application issues.

Twenty-four papers were presented at the conference, including four delivered by invited guests – internationally respected cryptologists: Tobias Guggemos, Lucjan Hanzlik, Péter Kutas and Jorge Urroz. The conference was attended by a total of nearly 70 people, including many guests from abroad.
The conference was an excellent opportunity to make new contacts and acquaintances, but above all to talk about cryptology.
It is worth mentioning, the conference would not have been a success had it not been for the tremendous commitment of the Program Committee, especially the co-chairs of the Committee – Mirosław Kytułowski (NASK-PIB and PWr) and Jacek Pomykała (WAT and UW), as well as the Organizing Committee, chaired by Michał Wroński (NASK-PIB and WAT) and Elżbieta Burek (WAT) and with the great support of the other members of the organizing committee: Adrian Cinal (NASK-PIB), Łukasz Dzierzkowski (WAT), Mariusz Krawczyk (ECSC), Mateusz Leśniak (NASK-PIB and WAT), Krzysztof Manek (WAT), Oliver Sobolewski (NASK-PIB), Gabriel Wechta (NASK-PIB) and Olgierd Zolnierczyk (WAT).