We are co-organizing the Central European Cryptology Conference (CECC 2024)!
On June 20-21 this year, NASK, together with Military University of Technology (WAT), is co-organizing the Central European Cryptology Conference (CECC 2024). Are you interested in cryptology or related sciences? Feel free to submit conference abstracts or simply register your participation.

We are currently encouraging submissions of 4-page abstracts, which can be delivered by April 15. Full papers, at the discretion of the program committee, will be available for submission until September 31 of this year. They will be published in Fundamenta Informaticae or International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications.
Since its inception, the aim of the CECC conference has been to convene individuals interested in discussing the latest advancements in the field of cryptology and sharing their experiences and achievements in research, encompassing, but not limited to, areas such as:
- Cryptanalysis,
- Cryptographic applications in information security,
- Design of cryptographic systems,
- Encryption schemes,
- General cryptographic protocols,
- Post-quantum cryptography,
- Pseudorandomness,
- Signature schemes,
- Steganography.
Co-chair of the program committee is Prof. Miroslaw Kutylowski, head of the Department of Cryptology at NASK SCIENCE, and confirmed conference guests include:
- Péter Kutas – a specialist in isogene-based cryptography
- Tobias Guggemos – a specialist in quantum cryptology
- Jorge Jimenez Urroz – a specialist in applications of number theory methods in cryptology
- Lucjan Hanzlik – a specialist in privacy preserving methods
Those who are not interested in presenting a paper, but are interested in the conference topics, are encouraged to participate as listeners. The conference fee is 1300 PLN (or 300 EUR).
All information about the event can be found at: https://cecc2024.wat.edu.pl
If you have any questions, please contact us by email at cecc.2024@wat.edu.pl or michal.wronski@nask.pl