Quantum True Random Number Generator at International Defence Industry Exhibition MSPO
Next week, researchers from the Institute of Optoelectronics of WAT, TELDAT and NASK will showcase a solution using quantum phenomena to generate random numbers. The device, which will be tested at NASK after the exhibition, will make users independent of available software solutions that generate random numbers using algorithms.

The generator is a very important component of the system for distributing the quantum key, but not only. The quantum random number generator will be able to be used for cryptographic solutions in the military, but also by the financial and telco sectors.
The True Random Number Generator is characterized by the fact that this is the physical process that decides the outcome or random numbers. This means that each successive bit generated is completely unpredictable, independent of environmental changes, but also verifiable in terms of operating status.
The generator was developed as part of the project “Optical technologies of quantum cryptology for data protection in data communication networks” carried out by the Military University of Technology (leader) in consortium with TELDAT and NASK National Research Institute, funded by NCBiR (competition 1/SZAFIR/2020). Its premiere will take place on September 5-8, 2023, during the International Defence Industry Exhibition MSPO in Kielce.