Our researchers at MIT CSAIL


AI in medicine – applications in Deep Brain Stimulation and HyTract: A Hybrid Method for Tractography In Preoperative Planning – these studies by Konrad Ciecierski and Mateusz Korycinski of NASK SCIENCE were presented to researchers from the world’s top technical university – Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The Tech Talk, held at MIT CSAIL on June 21, brought together a number of scientists, including Prof. Gilbert Strang, who was particularly interested in the role of wavelet transforms in processing signals recorded during DBS procedures. – Coming into contact with scientists from leading university strengthened my belief that here at NASK we are also doing unique and important projects. – says Mateusz Korycinski.

The study visit to Boston included also bilateral meetings, i.a. with Prof. Dina Katabi, whose research includes detecting Parkinson’s Disease and its severity based on passive and non-contact recording of the subject’s breathing. The researchers discussed, among other things, the possibility of detecting cyclic neuronal discharges in the brain’s basal nuclei using EEG or analyzing signals recorded intraoperatively by microelectrodes.

The visit to MIT CSAIL took place within the framework of an agreement concluded with NASK in 2022 under which we exchange experiences and research findings, as well as support scientific mobility.