Dr Anna Felkner

Anna Felkner implements projects related to cybersecurity in the broadest sense. She coordinated work in the international project VARIoT (Vulnerability and Attack Repository for IoT), the results of which, in the form of a database of information on vulnerabilities and exploits, have attracted broad interest. She led the EUNITY (Cybersecurity and Privacy Dialogue between Europe and Japan) project for extensive cooperation between research units in Europe and Japan. She has implemented many national and international projects in FP7, NCBiR, H2020, CEF programs. She represents NASK in ECSO (European Cyber Security Organization), WG1 (Standardization, certification and supply chain management) and WG6 (SRIA and cybersecurity technologies), as well as Macro Cluster Gr 2 (Cyber Security). She teaches postgraduate and doctoral students in the field of cybersecurity.